
Early thoughts that might turn into something longer.

  • Circularity - A thread about Bitcoin, religion, mirrors, my rabbit hole journey, and where Bitcoin (and bitcoiners) might go in the next couple of years.

  • Flows - A thread on inflows, outflows, balance sheets, and how a circular orange future might resolve the points of contention in Bitcoin.

  • PoW is essential - A failure to understand proof of work is a failure to understand Bitcoin.

  • Memes vs The World - This is our meme world, everyone else is just living in it.

  • Why shitcoins are a waste of your time - A thread on competition, money, and energy.

  • Time Requires Heat - Why proof-of-work is not optional.

  • Physical Limits - On the physical limits of consensus.

  • Understand Peace - Want to Understand Bitcoin? Understand Peace.

  • Maximalism - I am a Bitcoin maximalist from first principles, not by choice. I reasoned myself into maximalism, and you can too.

  • A Harsh Truth - We tried to warn you…

  • Attention is a Terrible Currency - The internet never had a native currency, so it had to use a surrogate: attention.

More threads are linked in the /media section.


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